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Selectmen Minutes 09/07/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 7, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold

Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Mayville, Walter Sanborn, Chief Clarke, John Martell, John Freeman, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads
Police:  Chief Clarke reports that the department needs a new computer.   Mike Dodge has provided a quote of $729.97.  Chief would like to use the Police Department's Office Equipment Capital Reserve.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to expend $729.97 from the Police Department's Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to purchase a new computer for the Police Department.  Motion passed.

EMD: John Martel will be attending the Suncook River Meeting with Selectmen DeBold on Thursday.

Fire:  Eng 2 had its power steering repaired.  Engines 2 and 3 and the Forestry passed the pump test.   The mini-pumper will be added to the Town's ISO rating for insurance purposes.

Student staffing is now full.  Alan Quimby will be out form 9/21-10/4.  Ed Millette will sign bills in his absence.  

The Fire Department continues to have good turnout for calls.

Alan will be meeting with Jim Plunkett to set up a system for the diesel fuel.

Building: The Building department is still quiet.  There are six homes in progress.

Library:  There will be a book sale this coming weekend and on October 9th.  They have received 76 bags of books from Loudon.  The Library will be having a workshop for kids with a story teller and building of natural homes.  On 9/15 the Library is hosting an educational seminar on the social and cultural history of the Middle East.  On 9/17 the Beekeepers will be presenting an educational seminar at the Grange.  The library has received the table in memory of Jim Mobbs.

Other Business

Signs4Jesus:  Nancy shared with the Selectmen six emails she received since the airing of the signs4Jesus information on Fox News New York.

Abatement:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to deny the abatement request for Map 1 Lot    42-1 per the recommendation of the assessor.  Motion passes.

Berry Road:  Mr. DeBold said he could not support spending money on Berry Road other than normal maintenance and then ask the voters to abandon the road.  He would support an article to abandon the road.  Mr. Jordan agrees.  Nancy will send a letter to Mr. Giuda.

Agricultural Commission:  The start-up meeting for the Agricultural Commission was held and Mr. Jordan would like to recognize the excellent job and hard work of Jamie Pike in putting that meeting together.

Park and Rec:  Members of the Park and Rec committee met with DRED (parks division) to go over and discuss applications for grants.  Through LWCF the committee may be applying for grants upwards of $50K.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio